Dragons Eye Pouch

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  • Regular price $17.95

You fought the dreaded Dragon, you drove it into your trap, and with the help of your fellow adventurers you slew the fire breathing beast. Now you have the spoils! This Dragons Eye Pouch is yours to adorn, and to flaunt, proving your victory and earning you the title of Dragon Slayer!


This leather pouch will bring awe to your party as you throw it onto to the table. Even your DM/GM will node in approval. This is a bag of true Dungeoneers accessory. Your dice will be held tight and secure behind the scales of the infamous winged creature and will be quite the sight at the table. Everyone will want a look and will want to know how you got it, Its up to you to weave the tail of how you acquired such an eye catching (pun intended) item


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